

A Technical Working Group of the Pacific saury stock assessment (TWG-PSSA) was established under the Scientific Committee of North Pacific Fishery Commission (NPFC) . It conducted a provisional stock assessment in 2017, which was endorsed by the Scientific Committee of the NPFC in April, 2017. I was selected as a new Chair of the TWG-SAPS for continued efforts to update the provisional stock assessment and explore stock assessment models other than existing “provisional base models”. The subsequent meetings of TWG-PSSA were held in 2018-2021. The most recent stock assessment report will be available in due course. Now I’m the Chair of Small Scientific Committee of the Pacific saury.



2011年にIOTCカジキ類作業部会に資源評価の専門家として招待されて以来,IOTC, ICCAT, ISCなどを中心にまぐろ類の資源評価と管理に関わってきました.まぐろ類の会議を通して,資源評価モデルの診断,そして異なる資源評価モデルの評価法など,国内外研究者と共同研究を行っています.国際水産資源研究所の研究者の方々,そして日本かつお・まぐろ漁業協同組合,IOTC, ICCATの皆さんにはいつもサポート頂き感謝しています. 現在,IOTCの科学委員会で議長を務め,IOTC管轄のマグロ類資源評価と管理の舵取りに寄与しています.

Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) IOTC is an international commission responsible for the management for tuna fishery in the Indian Ocean (see Indian Ocean Tuna Commission). I am now the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the IOTC and the vice-chair of the Working Party on Temperate Tunas. Also I am an IOTC representative of the international tuna-RFMO-MSE group for developing the Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE).




2003-2017: I attended the IWC Scientific Committee as a member of Japanese delegation. 2006-2009: I served as the Chair of the Working Group of In-depth assessment for the western North Pacific common minke whales, with focusing on J-stock. 2010-2012: I served as the Chair of the Subcommittee of Bowhead, Right and Gray whales and as the Vice-chair of IWC/SC. 2013-2015: Chair of as the Chair of IWC/SC 2016-2017: I was the head of Japanese delegation to the IWC/SC meetings in 2016 and 2017. 2018-current: I have been participating in the IWC/SC as an Invited Participant as well as the Chair of Ecosystem Working Group.

In Feb 2018, I quit Japanese delegation to the IWC Scientific Committee because of betrayal of whaling section of Fishery Agency of Japan. That said, I have been working for “science of whales” especially on the following fascinating items. Some of them are joint researches with my excellent students and like-minded whale scientists.

  1. Evaluation of Management Procedures with CLA modified by recruitment information and genetics
  2. Spatial-temporal modelling of population distribution and population mixture
  3. Estimation of population size using direct observation by visual sighting surveys, Mark-resighting and indirect observation by genetics
  4. Estimation of population dynamics of whales species and their ecosystem interactions
  5. Statistical modelling of epi-genetic age-determination etc.






The population of Steller’s sea lions migrating to Hokkaido, Japan, has once experienced a severe decline more than by half around 1960’s to 1980’s. Similarly, that of Kuril harbor seals inhabiting Cape Erimo in Hokkaido had also dramatically declined by the 1970s, and it had once faced with a risk of extinction. A main reason of the population depletion was due to overhunting. Since then, owing to protection measures, the population sizes have shown steady recoveries for both the species while the damages to fishery by them have also increased. Conservation of the populations should of course be prioritized, but it is also necessary to develop a suitable resource management strategy to accomplish a balance between the conservation of the populations and mitigation of the damage to fishery. For this purpose, assessment works are required to know the carrying capacity and the current level of depletion of the populations.

Fortunately, endeavors have been made for the monitoring of the populations. I constructed density-dependent age-aggregated/age-structured production models and then estimated parameters associated with the models. In addition, we separately conducted simulation studies to evaluate possible management procedures for the populations. As the result for the Steller’s sea lions, a defined virtual population migrating to Hokkaido is now estimated as nearly around a half of its carrying capacity, and a combined harvest control between immediate culling and PBR with an internal threshold performed well. As the estimation result for the Kuril harbor seals, it is found that the population level has exceeded at least 60% of the carrying capacity, and simulation results also showed that some possible future management procedures involving culling adults while avoiding unintentional bycatch of yearling animals would be effective to achieve the balance objective for the conservation and management of the Kuril harbor seals inhabiting Cape Erimo.

写真提供:ゼニガタアザラシ(東京農大・小林万里さん) トド(水産資源研究所・服部薫さん)

アオウミガメ (to come)

オオサンショウウオ (to come)

熱帯ウナギ (to come)