A line transect method accounting for uncertain detection on the trackline and abundance of Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) from the second and third circumpolar IDCR/SOWER surveys
The experimental trials of line weighting options for reduction of incidental mortality of seabirds in Korean tuna longline vessels
Recent publications (including accepted papers):
Manel Gharsalli and Toshihide Kitakado (2022) Management Strategy Evaluation for the Common Spiny Lobster, Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787), Stock in Tunisia. Asian Fisheries Science, 35(1), 44-55.
Zhen Lin, Toshihide Kitakado, Naoki Suzuki, Shin-ichi Ito (2022) Evaluation of the effects of stock enhancement on population dynamics using a state-space production model: A case study of Japanese flounder in the Seto Inland Sea, Fisheries Research, 251, 106299.
Mao Kuroda, Keiichi Uchida, Toshihide Kitakado. Daisuke Shiode, Masao Nemoto, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Hideshige Takada, Rei Yamashita, Hiroaki Hamada, Ryuichi Hagita, Hiroki Joshimam, Yuta Yamada (2022) Relationship between ocean area and incidence of anthropogenic debris ingested by longnose lancetfish (Alepisaurus ferox). Regional Studies in Marine Science.
Gorka Merino, Agurtzane Urtizberea, Dan Fu, Henning Winker, Massimiliano Cardinale, Mathew V Lauretta, Hilario Murua, Toshihide Kitakado, Haritz Arrizabalaga, Robert Scott, Graham Pilling, Carolina Minte-Vera, Haikun Xu, Ane Laborda, Maite Erauskin-Extraminiana and Josu Santiago (2022) Investigating trends in process error as a diagnostic for integrated fisheries’ stock assessments, Fisheries Research.
Kohei Hamabe, Koji Matsuoka and Toshihide Kitakado (2023) Estimation of abundance and population dynamics of the Antarctic blue whale in the Antarctic Ocean south of 60°S, from 70°E to 170°W. Marine Mammal Science.
Kasun Randika Dalpathadu, Sujeewa Sisira Kumara Haputhantri, Toshihide Kitakado (2023) Assessment of sea cucumber fishery in the mullaitivu coastal waters in north-east, sri lanka. Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal. 29(2) 17-25.
Mao Kuroda, Atsuhiko Isobe, Keiichi Uchida, Tadashi Tokai, Toshihide Kitakado, Miho Yoshitake, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Toru Mukai, Keiri Imai, Kenichi Shimizu, Mitsuharu Yagi, Takahisa Mituhasi and Akimasa Habano (2024) Abundance and potential sources of floating polystyrene foam macro- and microplastics around Japan. Science of the Total Environment. 925,
Laurie Kell, Iago Mosqueira, Henning Winker, Rishi Sharma, Toshihide kitakado and Massimiliano Cardinale (2024) Empirical Validation of Integrated Stock Assessment Models to Ensuring Risk Equivalence: A Pathway to Resilient Fisheries Management. PLOS ONE.
Supatcha Lurkpranee and Toshihide Kitakado (2025) Application of a delta-generalized additive model to assess the impact of environmental changes on the spatial distribution of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean. Accepted in Fisheries Research.
北門利英 (1995) 拡張されたConsecutive-k-out-of-n:Fシステムの寿命分布. 統計数理 43(2), 329-339.
Kitakado, T. (1997) Estimation problem on consecutive-k-out-of-n:F system when the number of failure components is available. The report of Tokyo university of fisheries, 32, 81-89.
北門利英,山田作太郎 (1998) 不完全報告を含む標識実験における推定問題について. 日本水産学会誌 64(5), 775-781.
山田作太郎,北門利英 (1999) 標識実験におけるPaulik-Seber推定に対する考察-局外母数が存在する時の補助性・十分性から-. 統計数理 47(1), 71-79.
Adachi, K., K. Takagi, E. Tanaka, S. Yamada and T. Kitakado (2000) Age and growth of alfonsino Beryx splendens in the waters around the Izu Islands. Fisheries Science, 66, 232-240.
Yamashita, N., M. Hasegawa, S. Yamada, E. Tanaka, T. Kitakado and H. Fushimi (2000) Modification of DeLury’s method for a fishery exploiting two stocks. Fisheries Science, 66, 460-466.
Kitakado, T. (2001) Application of the conditional score method for estimating a fish growth curve. Japanese Journal of Biometrics, 21, 29-39.
Kitakado. T. (2002) Likelihood approaches for fish population analyses. Fisheries Science, 68SI, 105-108.
Kitakado, T., T. Mituhasi and T. Tokai (2002) Statistical estimation in cover-escape model for covered-codend experiments. Fisheries Science, 68, 1233-1241.
Okamura, H., T. Kitakado, K. Hiramatsu and M. Mori (2003) Abundance estimation of diving animals by the double-platform line transect method. Biometrics, 59, 512-520.
Kobayashi, T., M. Kajiwara, M. Wahyuni, T. Kitakado, N. Hamada-Sato, C. Imada and E. Watanabe (2003) Isolation and characterization of halophilic lactic bacteria isolated from “terasi” shrimp paste: A traditional fermented seafood product in Indonesia. The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 49, 279-286.
Watari, S., J. Yonezawa, S. Yamada, E. Tanaka and T. Kitakado (2005) Age and growth of yellowstriped butterfish, Labracoglossa argentiventris, around Izu Oshima Island. Fisheries Science, 71, 86-94.
Mituhasi, T., T. Kitakado, F. Hu and T. Tokai (2005) Modelling the contact probability and size-selectivity of toothed dredges. Fisheries Science, 71, 703-712.
Okamura, H., T. Kitakado and M. Mori (2005) An improved method for line transect sampling in the Antarctic minke whale surveys. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 7, 97-106.
Wiyono, E.S., S. Yamada, E. Tanaka, T. Arimoto and T. Kitakado (2006) Dynamics of fishing gear allocation by fishers in small-scale coastal fisheries of Pelabuhanratu Bay, Indonesia. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 13, 185-195.
Okamura, H., S. Minamikawa and T. Kitakado (2006) Effect of surfacing patterns on abundance estimates of long-diving animals. Fisheries Science, 72, 631-638.
Obata, Y., H. Imai, T. Kitakado, K. Hamasaki and S. Kitada (2006) The contribution of stocked mud crabs Scylla paramamosain to commercial catches in Japan, estimated using a genetic stock identification technique. Fisheries Science, 80, 113-121.
Kitakado, T., S. Kitada, Y. Obata and H. Kishino (2006) Simultaneous estimation of mixing rates and genetic drift under successive sampling of genetic markers with application to the mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) in Japan. Genetics, 173, 2063-2072.
Kitakado, T., S. Kitada, H. Kishino and H.J. Skaug (2006) An integrated-likelihood method for estimating genetic differentiation between populations. Genetics, 173, 2073-2082.
Watanabe, K., E. Tanaka, S. Yamada and T. Kitakado (2006) Spatial and temporal migration modeling for stock of Pacific saury Cololabis saira (Brevoort), incorporating effect of sea surface temperature. Fisheries Science, 72, 1153-1165.
Wiyono, E.S., S. Yamada, E. Tanaka, O. Baba, T. Arimoto and T. Kitakado (2006) Does fish resource availability govern fishermen’s behavior in allocation of gear? Journal of Regional Fisheries (地域漁業研究), 46, 105-124.
Wiyono, E. S., S. Yamada, E. Tanaka, and T. Kitakado (2006) Fishing strategy for species of small-scale fisheries in Pelabuhanratu Bay, Indonesia. La Mer, 44, 85-93.
Kitada, S., T. Kitakado and H. Kishino (2007) Empirical Bayes inference of pairwise FST and its distribution in the genome. Genetics, 177, 861-873.
北田修一,北門利英,岸野洋久 (2008) 集団間の遺伝的分化の経験ベイズ推定. 水産育種 38, 41-50.
根本雄太,菅谷琢磨,大河内裕之,北門利英,浜崎活幸,北田修一 (2008) マイクロサテライトDNA 変異から推定した日本沿岸における太平洋ニシンの集団構. 水産育種 37, 51-59.
Okamura, H., M. Kiyota and T. Kitakado (2008) A resource selection model for analysing pseudoreplicated data due to group behavior of animals. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 13, 294-312.
Kitada, S., H. Shishidou, T. Sugaya, T. Kitakado, K. Hamasaki and H. Kishino (2009) Genetic effects of the long-term stock enhancement programs. Aquaculture, 290, 69-79.
Murase, H., H. Nagashima, S. Yonezaki, R. Matsukura, and T. Kitakado (2009) Application of a generalized additive model (GAM) to reveal relationships between environmental factors and distributions of pelagic fish and krill: a case study in Sendai Bay, Japan. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66, 1417-1424.
Koyama, T., S. Asakawa, T. Katagiri, A. Shimizu, F.F. Fagutao, R. Mavichak, M.D. Santos, K. Fuji, T. Sakamoto, T. Kitakado, H. Kondo, N. Shimizu, T. Aoki and I. Hirono (2010) Hyper-expansion of large DNA segments in the genome of kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeu japonicus. BMC Genomics, 11:141.
Kikko, T., Y. Kataoka, K. Nishimori, Y. Fujioka, Y. Kai, K.Nakayama and T. Kitakado (2011) Size at maturity of fluvial white-spotted charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis, around the Lake Biwa water system varies with habitat size. Ichthyol. Res., 58, 370-376.
Kitakado, T., C. Lockyer and A.E. Punt (2013) A statistical model for quantifying age-reading errors and its application to the Antarctic minke whales. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 13(3), 181-190.
Murase, H., T. Kitakado, T. Hakamada, K. Matsuoka, S. Nishiwaki and M. Naganobu (2013) Spatial distribution of Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) in relation to spatial distributions of krill in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Fisheries Oceanography, 22(3), 154-173.
Hakamada, T., K. Matsuoka, S. Nishiwaki and T. Kitakado (2013) Abundance estimates and trends for Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) in Antarctic Areas IV and V for the period 1989/90–2004/05. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 13(2), 123-151.
Shibata, Y., T. Matsuishi, H. Murase, K. Matsuoka, T. Hakamada, T. Kitakado and H. Matsuda (2013) Effects of stratification and misspecification of covariates on species distribution models for abundance estimation from virtual line transect survey data. Fisheries Science, 79, 559-568.
Konishi, K., T. Hakamada, H. Kiwada, T. Kitakado and L. Walløe (2014) Decrease in stomach contents in the Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) in the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology, 37(2), 205-215.
Randriarilala, F., T. Kitakado, D. Shiode, M. Sakaguchi, T. Hayashi and T. Tokai (2014) Density estimation of the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai around Japan using an alternative modified detection function for left truncation in a line transect survey. Fisheries Science, 80, 261-271.
Murase, H., T. Hakamada, K. Matsuoka, S. Nishiwaki, D. Inagake, M. Okazaki, N. Tojo and T. Kitakado (2014) Distribution of sei whales (Balaenopteraborealis) in the subarctic–subtropical transition area of the western North Pacific in relationto oceanic fronts. Deep Sea Res. II, 107, 22-28.
Punt, A.E., T. Hakamada, T. Bando and T. Kitakado (2014) Assessment of Antarctic Minke Whales using Statistical Catch-at-age Analysis, Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 14, 93-116.
亀甲武志,北門利英,石崎大介,氏家宗二,澤田宣雄,三枝仁,酒井明久,鈴木隆夫,西森克浩,二宮浩司,甲斐嘉晃 (2015) 伊庭内湖周辺におけるホンモロコ釣り遊魚における釣獲尾数の推定. 日本水産学会誌 81(1), 17-26.
Matsuda, H., O. Yamamura, T. Kitakado, Y. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, K. Hattori and H. Kato (2015) Beyond dichotomy in the protection and management of marine mammals in Japan. THERYA, 6(2), 283-296.
Carruthers, T.R, L.T. Kell, D.S. Butterworth, M.N. Maunder, H.F. Geromont., C. Walters, M.K. McAllister, R. Hillary, P. Levontin, T. Kitakado and C.R. Davies (2016) Performance review of simple management procedures. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70(2), 464-482.
Hasegawa, M., T. Kitakado, S. Iwata and E. Tanaka (2016) A quick method for estimating egg density in sample bottle from fishery stock survey. SuisankaiyoKenkyu, 80(2), 115-123.
Kell, L., A. Kimoto and T. Kitakado (2016) Evaluation of the Prediction Skill of Stock Assessment Using Hindcasting. Fisheries Research, 183, 119-127.
Hakamada, T., K. Matsuoka, H. Murase and T. Kitakado (2017) Estimation of the abundance of the sei whale Balaenoptera borealis in the central and eastern North Pacific in summer using sighting data from 2010 to 2012. Fisheries Science, 83, 887-895.
Watari, S, H. Murase, S. Yonezaki, M. Okazaki, H. Kiyofuji, T. Tamura, T. Hakamada, Y. Kanaji and T. Kitakado (2019) Ecosystem modeling in the western North Pacific using Ecopath, with a focus on small pelagic fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 617-618, 295-305.
Lennert-Cody, C.E., ST. Buckland, T Gerrodette, A Webb, J Barlow, PT. Fretwell, MN Maunder, T Kitakado, JE Moore, MD Scott and HJ Skaug (2018) Review of potential line-transect methodologies for estimating abundance of dolphin stocks in the eastern tropical Pacific. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 19, 9-21.
高橋萌,加藤秀弘,北門利英 (2019) 機械学習法を用いたシャチ頭骨形態計測データに基づく性判. 哺乳類科学 59(1), 67-78.
Huihua Lee, Kevin R Piner, Ian G Taylor and T. Kitakado (2019) On the use of conditional age at length data as a likelihood component in integrated population dynamics models. Fisheries Research, 216, 204-211.
Hashimoto, M., H. Kidokoro, S. Suyama, T. Fuji, H. Miyamoto, M. Naya, D. Vijai, Y. Ueno and T. Kitakado (2020) Comparison of biomass estimates from multiple stratification approaches in a swept area method for Pacific saury Cololabis saira in the western North Pacific. Fisheries Science, 86, 445-456.
Goto, M., T. Kitakado and L.A. Pastene (2020) A preliminary study on epigenetic estimation of age in the Antarctic minke whale balaenoptera bonaerensis. Cetacean Population Studies, 2, 5-14.
Maunder, M.N., J.T. Thorson, H. Xua, R. Oliveros-Ramos, H. Lee, M. Kai, S.K. Chang, T. Kitakado, C.M. Albertsen, C.E. Lennert-Cody, A.M. Aires-da-Silva, K.R. Piner (2020) The need for spatio-temporal modeling of catch-per-unit-effort data when used to derive indices of relative abundance to include in stock assessment models. Fisheries Research, 229, 1-19.
Murase, H., D. Palka, A. Punt, L.A. Pastene, T. Kitakado, K. Matsuoka, T. Hakamada, H. Okamura, T. Bando, T. Tamura, K. Konishi, G. Yasunaga, T. Isoda and H. Kato (2020) Review of the assessment of two stocks of Antarctic minke whales (eastern Indian Ocean and western South Pacific). Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 21, 95-122.
Ohashi, Y., M. Goto, M. Taguchi, L.A. Pastene and T. Kitakado. (2021) Evaluation of a paternity method based on microsatellite DNA genotypes for estimating the abundance of the Antarctic minke whales in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic. Cetacean Population Studies,
Sharma, R., P. Levontin, T. Kitakado, L. Kell, I. Mosqueira, A. Kimoto, R. Scott, C. Minte-Vera, P. De Bruyn, Y. Ye, J. Kleinberg, J.L. Walton, S. Miller and A.Magnusson. (2020) Operating model design in tuna Regional Fishery Management Organizations: current practice, issues and implications. Fish and Fisheries, 21(5), 940-961.
Hattori,K., T. Kitakado, T. Isono and O. Yamamura. (2021) Abundance estimates of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) off the western coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Mammal study, 46, 3-16.
Jhen Hsu, Yi-Jay Chang, T. Kitakado, M. Kai, Bai Li, M. Hashimoto, Chih-Hao Hsieh, Vladimir Kulic and Kyum Jonn Park. (2021) Evaluating the spatiotemporal dynamics of Pacific saury in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean by using a geostatistical modelling approach. Fisheries Research, 235, 1-13
Kell, L.T., R. Sharma, T. Kitakado, H. Winker, I. Mosqueira, M. Cardinale and D. Fu (2021) Validation of stock assessment methods: is it me or my model talking? ICES J. Mar. Sci.
Felipe Carvalho, H. Winker, D. Courtney, M. Kapur, L. Kell, M. Cardinale, M. Schirripa, T. Kitakado , D. Yemane, K.R. Piner, M.N. Maunder, I. Taylor, C.R. Wetzel, K. Doering, K.F. Johnson and R.D. Methot (2021) A Cookbook for Using Model Diagnostics in Integrated Stock Assessments. Fisheries Research.
Satoh, K., H. Xu, C.V. Minte-Vera, M.N. Maunder and T. Kitakado (2021) Size-specific spatiotemporal dynamics of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) caught by the longline fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research.
選択性曲線の統計的推定,「漁具の選択特性の評価と資源管理」(東海正・北原武編) 2001年 恒星社厚生閣 水産学シリーズ127, pp.71-80.
ネズミイルカに対する適応型ライントランセクト調査,ミンククジラ調査に学ぶライントランセクト法の難しさ,「海産哺乳類の調査と評価」(白木原国雄ら監訳) 鯨研叢書No.9, pp.3-15, 112-133.
統計的方法の考え方,「水産資源管理学」(北原武編) 2003年 成山堂書店, pp.296-316.
集団構造の統計的推測,「水産資源の増殖と保全」(北田修一・浜崎活幸・谷口 順彦・ 帰山雅秀編著) 2008年 成山堂書店 pp.151-170.
農学・水産学系学生のための数理科学入門(日本水産学会水産教育推進委員会編,河邊玲・北門利英・黒倉寿・酒井久治・阪倉良孝・高木力著) 2011 恒星社厚生閣 pp.16-50.
ベイズ統計分析ハンドブック(繁桝算男,岸野洋久,大森裕浩監訳) 2011年 朝倉書店 pp900-923, 940-964.
「海棲哺乳類の管理と保全のための調査・解析手法」(村瀬弘人・北門利英・服部薫・田村力・金治佑 編著) 2023年 生物研究社