資源管理利用学概論(大学院) 北門担当分 2021年1月12,19日

This year, the course will cover the following subjects:

The class is given on-line (on-demand), and the course materials will be provided here at noon of Jan 12th and 19th.


Lecture video: https://youtu.be/WUWfgSQDi24


Lecture video: https://youtu.be/JIDCM_2aTdM

資源動態・管理学(大学院) 2021年1月

This year, the course will cover the following subjects:

The class is given on-line (on-demand), and the course materials will be provided on Jan 17th.


Lecture video: https://youtu.be/FAjmxiG08mY

データサイエンス概論(大学院) 2021年1-2月

This year, the course will cover the following subjects:

The class is given on-line (on-demand), and the course materials will be provided on Jan 29th.

國立高雄科技大學 大学院特別授業 2020年12月

Course subtitle and lecture:

  • Title: Sustainable Use of Marine Bioresource - Fishery Population Assessment and Management -
  • Lecturer: Prof. Toshihide Kitakado (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
  • Date: December 13, 2020, 9.00-16.30
  • Place: Zoom


  • Students will learn statistical methods used in fisheries population assessment and management.
  • Students will also learn basic programming skill using R etc. for population assessment and management

Classroom requirements:

  • Please install R and some pre-announced libraries into your laptop before the lecture starts.
  • Students may be requested to submit two reports (I will explain how to produce Rmarkdown reports in the class)

Course theme, schedule and description:

  1. Brief introduction of fishery population assessment and management
  2. Overview of population dynamics models
    2.1 Age-aggregated models
    2.2 Age-structured models
    2.3 Statistical inference for population dynamics modelling
    2.4 Computer exercises for population dynamics modelling using R (+alpha)
  3. Overview of management strategy evaluation (MSE)
    3.1 Role of the management procedure (MP)
    3.2 Performance evaluation of candidate MPs
    3.3 Best practice of MSE
    3.4 Computer exercises using R (+alpha)
  4. Wrap-up discussion
    4.1 Advanced techniques used in population assessment
    4.2 Wrap-up discussion: toward sustainable use of fishery resources in Taiwan and Japan

Evaluation method:

  • Grading is based on the reports

Course materials: